The Villages

A Wee Bit of….

Written By: jpriestner - Jul• 18•13

20130712_110451…a blog.  We are roughly half way through our trip to Ireland and it has been very exciting, sometimes good exciting and other times exxccciiitting, as in dodging Irish drivers.  Sean swears you need a drink to build up your courage to get behind the wheel of the car.  Our days have been busy and with it being light up until 10:30 pm it seems we don’t start for home until 10:00pm.  The pictures I am posting are of different places we have visited, many of the ones of Sean are taken in The Village he grew up inIMG_2986…the pub you see was owned by his parents up until 1953…he shared the changes that have been made with the current owner. IMG_2995  We will be traveling around the next few weeks with Sean playing a lot of golf with his brother and his friends from Wexford;  Nick, John, Jimmie and others.  The weather has been gorgeous, very cool at night and in the 80’s during the day.  The headlines are warning people to stay out of the sun, and reporting statistics of the booming flip flop sales.  They had straight rain for 1-1/2 years and the sun came out the day before we got here.  IMG_3012 Hoping it holds for another week or so, so Sean can get his golf in.  We had dinner at the Boathouse the other evening and it overlooks the Kenmare Bay.IMG_3134  When we were done and walking back to the car there was a young man buttoning up his boat that he had just taken out of the water. It was quite an impressive boat and we walked over to talk to him..Sean asked did he fish and he said no, this is just for pleasure.  He jumped down and extended his hand and introduced himself –  John Brennan.  We introduced ourselves and talked about Florida etc.  When he left Sean remarked he seems very important…he approached the restaurant and went in the back door.  We surmised he owned the restaurant and thought no more.  Turns out he is thee John Brennen we watched the next night on TV…he and his brother Philip have a reality TV show that goes out to hotels that are floundering and tell the owners what to do to turn their businesses around.. like Chef Ramsey does with restaurants.  I hope he was not too disappointed that we did not know who he was.  20130715_101711 We’ve visited the beach on the Ring of Kerry,20130715_101654_HDR climbed around an ancient fort, plus several castles.IMG_3185  Joe and Laura kissed the Blarney Stone,IMG_3194 so we will have to see how much luck they have in the next week or two.  Sean and I may have to go kiss it before we leave. They also went on a 10 klm. hike over the mountains on the old road to Kenmare from Killarney.  Sean and I opted out of that activity.20130718_081235  The countryside is beautiful with many herds of cattle and sheepIMG_3106,waterfalls, lakes  and mountains. IMG_3146 Time is going so quickly it will be Aug. 6th before we know it.IMG_3041

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