The Villages

How To Complain for Dummies…

Written By: Charlotte - Aug• 03•17

I’m basically new at this, but I can share a little of what I have learned recently. Biggest lesson, believe nothing a sales person tells you, make them prove it, get it in writing, take their first born, well no at this age we don’t want children, but you get the idea.  Dummies, Google is wonderful, it tells you everything you ever wanted to know, and even things you didn’t want to know. Just google how do I complain, and up pops a thousand ways to do it. You do have to narrow your search a little, example: how do I complain about my GPS….bingo up comes your answer. Phone numbers, emails, names of  Better Business Bureau, Attorney General’s office, Crimes Against Seniors and google even gives you the name of the Company’s Chairman of  the Board, and names and addresses of all the Board of Directors, and google offers advice too.  Like the Directors, who represent the Investors, all love hearing if there is a problem.  Google will even supply the forms, writes the letters and does everything but lick the envelope.  Of course all this research takes time, but here in The Villages we all have plenty of time.  Time for classes, time for exercise, time for water aerobics with plenty of time left over to blog.  Remember Dummies, they may treat you like one, but you aren’t…because you know how to google.

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