The Villages

Artists, how many ways…

Written By: Charlotte - Aug• 06•17

can you be an artist.  These are the ways.   A Visual Artist could be a painter of still life, landscapes, portraits, a photographer, a sculptor, an architect, a graphic designer, a digital designer, an illustrator.  A Conceptual Artist is all about thinking and ideas.  A Performance Artist is a dancer, an actor, a singer, a composer, an instrumentalist, a comedian.   A Literary Artist is an essayist, novelist, writer, poet, playwright, scriptwriter.   If you were any one of these artists you are most likely living a very fulfilling life, contributing to society and meeting and satisfying the needs of yourself, your clients or your audiences.   Unfortunately there is one more artist that hopefully you will not have to do business with.  A Scam Artist, who deliberately makes someone believe something that is not true, swindles, hoodwinks, misleads, pulls the wool over someone’s eyes, cheats, defrauds, all for the purpose of putting money in their pocket.  I have in my opinion,  recently been scammed and it is not a warm and fuzzy feeling.   I refuse to get angry though, as anger will only come back and bite me in the form of bad health,  Soooooooooo, what do I do.  I notify the proper authorities and I have fun writing.   I wonder what the Scam Artist does though, does he laugh all the way to the bank perhaps, does he high five his partners in scamming, are there monthly awards presented to the salesperson with the most scams, does he get a reserved parking spot in front of the showroom, does he win a trip?  And what does the loser get?  If it was up to me I’d probably give him a  turvis tumbler, for not exceeding the Company’s expectations.



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