The Villages

Look who’s …

Written By: Charlotte - Mar• 24•20

…teaching. This I’m sure is a familiar face to many, and this room full of students is reminiscent of days gone by. I might mention I took the picture and you might note that I was in the back of the room. This was not unfamiliar territory for me. In grade school your seats normally were assigned to you. My maiden name started with a B so I was usually in the first row, first or second seat back, depending on how many A names were ahead of me. In high school the doors of your new classes were flung open and you ran in and could pick your seat. I would always run to the back row. It didn’t matter if I could see the board or hear the teacher, it mattered more who was sitting next to me or in front of me. Probably the best seat was in the last row, farthest to the left so you could see out the window in the door, which was up front on your right. That way you could see a little hall activity and an occasional friends face in the window. When I think at this age what I might do differently in my life, it might be I should have sat in the front row. Even now I might have to give that a little thought. Anyway, for all of you who sat in the front, here’s a question for you, what’s a MOOCS. A back rower has it that it means Massive Open Online Courses. Yes, 190 Universities just launched 600 free on line courses at You can also go to for more information. There is even a Wide World of Moocs. If you always thought you might like to learn a language, you can, also free. Arrivederci per ora buona giornata, y’all.

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