The Villages


Written By: Charlotte - Apr• 09•20

…crafts. Now that I have spent guilt free endless hours bingeing on movies, binge reading along with binge eating, I can’t help but think what’s next? I have done a little painting, but not much, I could do that. However when I was straightening some drawers I came across all sorts of costumed jewelry that I have had since I was a teenager. Jewelry I will never ever wear again. It reminded me of a framed picture I had seen where someone had made a Christmas tree out of costume jewelry and it was fascinating and beautiful. That art also reminded me of the Christmas tree my sister had made several years ago using some of her books. When I was looking for the Jewelry art I came across Button art, which was also interesting to see. I think I actually have a grandson’s preschool button and popsicle stick picture, which would probably not count as art as much as it counts as a fond memory. To see what people have created with jewelry, books, buttons and the like a good site to go to is and search either costume-jewelry-art, or Christmas tree out of books, or button art. I believe this type of art is also call repurposed items, and I believe you can repurpose anything. I think you could say we are repurposing ourselves all the time.

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