The Villages

We went from this…

Written By: Charlotte - Apr• 11•20

to this

over night.

I don’t think anything in our life has ever prepared us for what we are going through right now. Well, maybe birth did but I don’t think we actually remembered it. We did cry out and some of us wiggled and kicked. We were thrust into a world we were not prepared for, but by the time we blinked open our eyes we were surrounded by smiles, we were cuddled and cooed to, the gentle hands that caressed us assured us that everything was going to be ok. However, everything else in our life took time. We had five years before we went to school, another twelve years to graduate, another four plus years to further our education, months or years to plan a wedding, nine months to be a parent, years to plan retirement, time to even get a divorce. We had time to plan, to dream, to anticipate and even time to get counseled if the change was too traumatic for us. I think all of us had heard or read about pandemics but did we actually think it would happen to us. I don’t think any of us really sat down and thought what would I do if tomorrow I could not leave my house. Period. And yet, like birth, it happened. But unlike birth we didn’t cry out loud, and there was no one there to cuddle us and assure us everything was going to be ok. But in spite of it, I think we are all doing pretty good considering the complete abruption to the life we were experiencing before. I can only hope that we will be able to go back to the life we had, where we can sit amongst friends and family and hold hands and give hugs. I have to admit though I do find myself now crying out, kicking and even screaming as I try to navigate the online grocery link to order my groceries. But then again I remind myself to be patient, as I have all day to do it, and if not today I have tomorrow and the next and the next.

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