The Villages

Those were the…

Written By: Charlotte - Apr• 23•20

…days when cousins got together and were stuck inside. I came across this photograph and thought, so this is what you do when you are young, and you can’t go outside, and before an adult comes and tells you to clean up your mess. This is yesterday’s version of not leaving the house. In my day the worst thing for me was not to be able to go outside. It was sheer punishment. Inside there was nothing to do except read or play board games or do a puzzle. I had dolls and a doll house, but by 10 I had grown out of that. I did spend time in the attic, not sure what I was doing up there, but I liked being there, and also liked the detached garage. There I could at least sit on my bike. I believe these two areas were the recreation rooms of the 1940s. There was no TV, a radio that barely ever played in our house and things to do with a partner, like cards and board games. And as I have mentioned before, being the youngest I was never invited to play with my sisters and their games. I was too little and I probably was. I loved to watch them play “Go to The Head of The Class”. A school room setting and all the playing pieces were students and as they answered a question correctly they moved to the head of the class. Again, because I was the youngest I was never allowed to touch their things, so unfortunately that rule made me become a little devious at times. I would wait until I knew they were gone for a little while, I would sneak into their rooms and touch their things. I specifically remember I loved playing “Go to the Head of the Class” so I would make a beeline for it, set it all up and play by myself. I was the teacher and the student and I could ask the questions and answer them and because I always knew the answers I would go quickly to the head of the class.

When I look at the picture I see what the modern day, stay in the house child is afforded. What decisions they have to make; should I put the model plane together that I am working on, or maybe play a CD, but I’m watching TV, or I could play a game with the poker chips, but I could buy Boardwalk and oh yes I could turn off the TV and challenge my cousin to a video game. Wait, I’m a little thirsty, should I have some water or maybe a soda, but I’ve already had a few of those. Do I want to drink out of the can or bottle or should I use the mug or maybe the cup. Wait, wait, where are my chips? Who took them?

As we find ourselves at home, and being of a generation that spent a lot of time outside, we have to take stock of the younger generation’s ability to entertain themselves and get on board with their program. I know technology has really allowed me to entertain myself for hours. and I have even worried that when it is safe to go out, that I just might be very happy staying in.

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