The Villages

How lazy can….

Written By: Charlotte - Apr• 30•20

…you get? I don’t know about you but this quarantine has made me very lazy. I think I always had a little lazy streak in me but don’t we all. However nothing compares to the laziness on steroids I’m experiencing lately. I’m wearing the most comfortable clothes day after day after day. My hair is flying in all directions, I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and can’t believe what I look like. I liken myself to a bag lady, but with a home. And the worse part is I don’t care. I let everything slide, takes days to put the newspaper in the garbage, or sort through mail, and just straighten the house, put things back where they belong. I’ve got books all over, painting supplies, brushes, watercolors, paper, colored pencils, I have a recipe binder with recipes that looked good, some tried some not, that is pulled apart all over the dining room table waiting to be organized. And speaking of organizing, I have closets that should be organized and century old business clothes that could be donated. along with five varieties of winter coats, when one would suffice. I was really getting a little upset with myself until I spoke with my neighbor next store who is normally a real go getter. She brought up the fact that she was lazy and we discussed the problem in depth. It really bothered me that I had no ambition to do anything, but did feel a little bit better after talking her. So I wallowed a few days in my laziness., guilt free. I have always been a very positive person and it is a great attribute as friends will attest to, but down deep, between you and I , I am deathly afraid of the negative so I will not in any way entertain it. Really I’m a big chicken., a henny penny the sky is falling kind of person. So what did I do I googled laziness and here are my results.

I found many quotes to make myself feel better. Tony Robbins says, ” People are not lazy, they simple have impotent goals – that is, goals that do not inspire them.” I found that to be true. It’s the lazy person who invented the wheel and the bicycle because they didn’t want to walk and carry things. So we are inventive. Bob Hope splashed a little water on us by saying, “People who throw kisses are lazy.” And we are not judgmental as the next quote insinuates, “Fanatic is often the name given to people of action by people who are lazy.” But the next quote hit a nerve, “I never read comics as a kid. I guess I was lazy and watched cartoons instead.” It made me face the fact that I was watching everything on TV, Netflix, You Tube, and movies. Rather than pick up a book and read I surf the TV for entertainment, isn’t that like watching cartoons rather than reading comics. I think so. My last quote sums up my feelings which is neither positive or negative, but is true. “Lazy people are always anxious to be doing something.”

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