The Villages

How do I know where I live???

Written By: Charlotte - Feb• 13•12

One of the first things I remember being taught was my name. The first name came easy, as I had heard it for many years, but there came an age when it became important for me to know my last name. Along with my last name I had to remember my address, or where I lived. This information empowered those that were able to learn it, it meant freedom.   You could walk beyond the sidewalk in front of your house, perhaps to go to a neighbors to borrow sugar or better yet to play, or to walk to school. For parental security though, a note was also put in your pocket, just in case you had a lapse of memory. I don’t know if I wondered why I needed to know these things, as I’m sure I was told not to stop and talk to anyone.  I thought I was the cat’s meow, armed with this knowledge and a note in my pocket, I could walk  down the street with the best of them. No more having to hold hands with either my Mother or my Sisters. In fact this put me in the same category as my Sisters, all grown up. It also meant I could follow them and see what they were doing. The words…go home, stop following me…still conjure up memories. I also remember the words..stop walking with me, I can walk by myself. The years followed and where I lived changed. Of course the tradition was passed down and I taught my sons their names and where they lived, and they too got notes in their pockets, and told not to talk to anyone. I believe I am at my permanent address, however I will admit that when I first arrived here and ventured out, I could have used that note in my pocket. Even though I knew my address, every once an a while I would be asked what district are you in? Umm, I don’t know. If I really needed to know I could look up my papers from the Contract to Purchase, but then would promptly forget. I’m sure most of you know what district you are in, but just in case, here’s that note in your pocket.  Go to On the left side menu, Quick Links column, click Street Listing tab and locate your street alphabetically to find your CDD District, along with your county and your Unit number. A quick way to get to your street, rather than scroll through all the streets, is at the top where it says Find, type in your street name and it will go right to it.  Make sure not to talk to anyone on your way.

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