The Villages

Yesterday was…

Written By: Charlotte - May• 19•20

…International Museum Day and I discovered a new tool I can use for my blog. I spent hours trying to figure it out and I am quite happy with myself for sticking with it, well not exactly. I worked for several hours Sunday and one time it worked but I could never get it to work again. That drove me crazy as once it worked I knew I was missing one step and I just couldn’t figure it out. Today I logged in, figured I’d try again and it worked. Sometimes you just have to walk away and come back another time. Apparently I was doing one to many steps or not enough steps for it to work. At this point you are probably saying, or shouting get to the point. Okay, I will. I can write a sentence, underline it and you can click on it. After you click on it, and you will go right to a website. The article I was reading that introduced me to International Museum Day had a sentence you clicked on and a world of museums popped up. How great, I want to do that. I’m sure my generation is impressed with my technical abilities, where the younger generation is rolling their eyes thinking “It’s so fundamental I can’t believe she thinks that’s so great”. Back to my researching the day, I virtually walked through many museums and really found the Smithsonian’s National Portrait Gallery in Washington DC extremely interesting. So I am taking you to the Gallery and hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Click on my underlined sentence, click on Explore in the top menu and enjoy your day. A particularly great option for a home browse.

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