The Villages


Written By: Charlotte - Jun• 25•20

…check up. Am taking my computer in for a kind of health check up. I do that every year or so. The IT surgeon will check all its’ vitals and get rid of all the junk that has accumulated. reinstall a security program, and back it up. I’ve been meaning to do it for the last six months since I kept getting the Microsoft scam that would shut it down. I was told unless I permanently got that program taken out it was still in there and would surface from time to time. It does, but I have learned how to trick it, hence putting off my computer office visit. It’s like putting off a doctor’s visit because your ache and pain will go away when you take some ibuprofen. Unfortunately there is no ibuprofen for computers. Anyway you know there had to be another reason that is making me make this trip to the computer doc. It won’t send a print message to my printer. I have tried everything. I have unplugged, I have counted 10, I’ve counted 30, plugged everything back in. I have checked the settings and from what the help icon tells me I have done everything it said to do. There were pages of instructions that said try this. Did it work? I say no, and they say try this. Did it work? no. This went on for days. Is it offline, no it’s on line, is it paused no, it’s not paused. How do I know it won’t send a message, because it works the other way around. It scans to the computer, and it will copy things and it will actually print the printer’s history. I give up and off it will go on Saturday. Not sooner as there are three zooms I want to partake in. One good thing is the computer doesn’t have to fast for blood work or worry about what they will say about its’ weight. It will have to answer however to why it won’t print, and why it has unsavory programs, acting like gang members, surfacing to wreck havoc with its’ owner. If you do not hear from me for awhile I am either out buying a new computer or printer or most likely relearning everything new on my cleaned up computer. It’s the same as you clean your desk up and you can’t find anything, that will be me…searching. Hopefully I will be back writing soon.

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