The Villages

Oh, no…

Written By: Charlotte - Jul• 23•20 we go again. The day I figure out all the technology I am surrounded by, will probably be the day I die. I thought I had developed the first skill needed when dealing with the computer and that was patience. I have been very proud of myself and as with my patience skill have been able to do things I never thought I could. However, as with many times, when you become overly proud of yourself life has a way of humbling you and I believe the computer does too. I think I had mentioned in a prior blog that my printer didn’t work and all that I had done to correct the problem with no success. I never did get it to the office that was going to help me and yesterday while I was looking up something up came a message from the printer, did I want to run a test page. I almost ignored it, as I had done dozen of tests pages in my quest to fix it. However I stupidly clicked yes and it printed the page. I was dumbfounded. I printed other pages and it never missed a beat. I was delighted, but had no idea how that came about. My delight didn’t last too long as all the settings on my computer are different. I couldn’t find my scanned items..went through hoops and found them, (don’t know if I could find them again) however they are all there and all the names of the items are gone, just jpg image, which means I would have to open each one to know what it was. What has even raised my frustration level higher and really is wrecking havoc on my patience is, on this blog I had taught myself how to type a sentence, highlight it and if you clicked on it it you would go to information I wanted to share. Today I did it and it won’t steer you to the sight as it had, but pulls the site up right next to the sentence I wanted to highlight. Worked quite awhile to get it to do what it used to do and had no luck. I want to share with you a song and music video. I especially enjoyed the video. It is called I believe good things are coming and I think we all have to think that yes good things will be coming and of course we hope soon.

Good things coming.

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