The Villages


Written By: Charlotte - Jul• 29•20

…binj/noun: a short period of uncontrolled indulgence to an activity, especially eating and drinking. That definition was taken from the 2009 Second Edition of the Oxford American Dictionary and Thesaurus and I think a third edition should come out updating the definition. I would say to change the word short to long and add watching to eating and drinking. I remember the first time I heard someone say I was binging all week-end I wondered if they were eating or drinking, and admired their truthfulness about something that could be quite a problem. It was only later I understood the new definition and until just recently experienced the binging activity. I might also now change another word in its’ definition, and that would be addiction instead of indulgence. I’ve watched many things the last few months and have looked forward to the next episode however nothing overtook my life like A Place to Call Home did. I compare it to Downtown Abbey, it’s about a very wealthy family in Australia in the 1950’s, (there is no heavy accent) that has many family secrets and twists and turns in their daily lives. It arouses curiosity but not intellectual curiosity. You don’t come away with any kind of opinion, but during your binging time you tend to abandon any thoughts of the virus and the political upheaval we are experiencing. In fact I don’t even come away.

The last few days I started watching around 8pm and have to force myself to stop at 2am and go to bed. I stay awake the whole time saying I will watch one more episode. That conversation with myself starts around 11pm. The other night I stopped watching even though many things were happening. When I got up yesterday, what did I do immediately? Turned it on to find out who survived and the Prime App is frozen, can’t open it. I spent from 11am until 3pm with Comcast and with Amazon Prime. Nothing either of their techs. did opened the app up. I now have to wait 3 to 5 days for a new tv box to arrive and hope that that fixes the problem. As any addict will do they will figure out a way to get the food they like or the drink they want, so I ran to the computer with my addiction, and sure enough I got it. I do feel like I am back in the 50’s myself watching a little 10″ screen, but at least this will do until I can get it back on my tv. If you are looking for something easy to watch, this home is a beautiful country estate with elegant people, rolling countryside and many many secrets. I highly recommend it.

It is on Amazon Prime, and when you search it, it will come up under Acorn. There is a seven day free trial, and then $5.99 a month. It is well worth it as Acorn has a lot of English mysteries on it. In this day and age binging is really fun, and probably triple fun if I add eating and drinking.

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