The Villages


Written By: Charlotte - Aug• 21•20

…I’m getting some exercise. I’ve been getting no exercise at all since the pandemic appeared in March. I was munching my way through the first few months and realized if I kept that up that I would be 30, 40 or 50 pounds heavier by the time this is over. I decided I had to change my eating habits and got out my Atkin’s carb counter and my hypnosis tape on weight loss. I did very well at eating the right things and did lose some weight but it took me days to lose a pound. I realized that I had to get exercise, not only to help with the weight loss problem, but I was getting stiffer and stiffer everyday. When I first came to the Villages I saw they had a deep water aerobic class which I joined and of all the water aerobic classes I have joined over the past 16 years, the deep water has always been my favorite. The pools had been closed up until a month or so ago, however when they opened them it was about the time I said I have to do something. So I now enjoy going almost everyday to one of the deep water pools when there is open swim or combo swim. There is usually very few people, for example today there were only six other people. The sports pools are the largest of all the pools in The Villages so very easy to distance one’s self. There are classes available, however I’m not comfortable being in the pool with 30+ other people. As I look at the picture above I think I presently look like the lady on the top right and I hope as I continue visiting the pool everyday I will eventually look like the lady on the left. We can always dream can’t we?

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