The Villages

A Retirement Privilege…

Written By: Charlotte - Mar• 06•12

  How many times recently have you grabbed a piece of paper to jot a note down.  A note meaning, you want to remember a particular thing, without putting any effort into trying to remember. We write down names, telephone numbers, good books, meeting times, good buys and more. When I examine my own behavior and the behavior of those around me, I think this is another privilege of retirement…we don’t have to remember things…our future does not hang in the balance if we do not remember an event, a name, an important statistic. We will not lose our jobs if we forget what day it is, or what time it is. However, prior to retirement,  if your boss had asked you why you did not come to work yesterday, and you said I thought it was Sunday,  that could be reason to be looking for another job.  Sometimes we just have no interest in whatever people want us to remember, but we make a note of it anyway.   I ask myself that if I still lived at the lake, would I be writing so many notes.  I honestly have to admit that I would not.  In the dead of winter there would not be that many things to do, therefore not a lot of things to remember, so I would not need notes. Last week alone I went to four different classes at the Lifelong Learning College, and even though there are no exams, you do take notes.  You also get many hand outs, which are more detailed and understandable better at refreshing memories.    I also attended several clubs, so I have many notes taken in my pocketbook note pad.  I noticed Sean’s golf score card with phone numbers and notes written on it.  I only have one frustration when it comes to my note taking, and that is I invariable do not put the reason down when I take the note.  I have phone numbers with no names,  I have names with no references, I have times and no places, and places and no times.  I found a note the other day, Dunkin Donuts 10:30.  I don’t know why I wrote that, but I do  know I love Dunkin Donuts coffee and I could really go for a cup right now.  It’s 8:15,  maybe I’ll go, get a cup of coffee and wait and see if anything is happening at 10:30.

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