The Villages

What IS your purpose???

Written By: Charlotte - Feb• 20•12

I was recently asked why do you write your blog, what is the purpose?  To be honest, right now it is in its’ infancy and I’m not sure in what direction it will go.  I love the Villages, I love to write, I enjoy writing about the past, but the present is really fun with everything that is  going on around me.  I am a curious person by nature, and like to know how, why and where, and my blog will include miscellaneous numbers and information, things I know I like having or knowing.   I am in awe of the many activities and  in awe of the fantastic volunteers, and enjoy writing about them.  My blog reaches out to residents of the Villages, but also to my friends in the New York metropolitan area. I hope that through my blog they get to see all the fun I am having, and how much they are missing.  Many years ago, while a stay at home Mom, I had a column in our local paper that kept people informed about what was happening in our immediate neighborhood and our school district. Perhaps I’ve joined the world of technology and my blog replaces the old newspaper column, I’m not sure. I have a lot of ideas; a Guest blogger from time to time, interesting people column,  Around the Pool chatter, I’m open right now to questions and I’ll try to get the answers, or maybe I already know the answer.  If you want to publicize a special event I would be happy to do that.   There are many windows in The Villages, and behind every window is a story.  I hope to bring many of them to you, for your enjoyment. I guess I would have to say that my purpose is to have fun…I’m having fun and I hope you are too. 


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