The Villages

The Villages’ Information

Written By: Charlotte

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA   If you would like more information about The Villages please give me your name, address, and phone number in the comments below,  (your information will be kept confidential and not posted) and I will have Properties of The Villages send you an Informational Portfolio and a Tour Video.  For a quicker response you can call me at 352-638-3380 or email me at

photo In the event you would like more information about home prices whether just out of curiosity, or thinking of buying or selling a house in The Villages, there are a few things I would like to mention first and that is I was a  Sales and Marketing Representative with The Properties of The Villages, and although I have retired I still work closely with active agents and am able to recommend them to you. After either an email  or  brief conversation with you I can match you up with an agent I feel would be best for you.  Only in the event you buy or sell, would I  be paid a referral fee by that agent, and this would have no effect on your cost at all, and more importantly you are under no obligation to use the agent I refer.   OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA   I can be reached at or 352-638-3380

I offer you my background in real estate, my knowledge and love of The Villages, and above all the highest regard for the Agents I refer.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA   Another opportunity you might be interested in is The Villages Lifestyle Preview Plan.  Come and enjoy a fun and affordable vacation in The Villages for 4 – 7 days and enjoy all the amenities that we have to offer.  For additional information on summer and fall rates, again either call me at 352-638-3380 or email me at

I look forward to hearing from you.





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