The Villages

Remarkable Birthdays…

Written By: Charlotte - Feb• 26•12

What makes a Birthday remarkable? Could it be the age of a person or the amount of guests at a Birthday party, perhaps their status in life or the location of the birthday celebration.  Well, this week I was part of two such birthdays. There were no parties, one had cake the other will be having a luncheon in another month or so. There were no presents. However, they were still  REMARKABLE. The celebrations were  not for people, but for two clubs that I attend on a regular basis. The Civil Discourse Club and the Bookworm Club. The Civil Discourse Club is celebrating two years of existence. Mike Enright, one of the original members, spoke to the group Monday saying how two years ago they started with 10 people, and were hoping to get to about 20. They not only got to 20, but quickly outgrew their smaller room in one of the Recreation Centers.  They moved to a large room at SeaBreeze, and have outgrown that room. They now stagger their meetings between SeaBreeze and the Savannah Center, and have still had to turn people away.  The Club meets every Monday, and there are over 300 members. I love it because it is very informative; topics ranging from politics to environment, history to philosophy, and everything in between..all formal conversations that are civil. We all respect each others opinions, and when doing that it is amazing how much you can learn from each other. Congratulations to the founders…you did something remarkable. On Tuesday The Bookworm Club celebrated their 10th year Birthday. Kathy Porter, who chairs the meeting, was one of the original member/founders, and she told us there are six original members still attending. For one who loves to read but never had a desire to join a Book Club, I am now a Bookworm fanatic, even though when I was growing up I didn’t like being called a bookworm. This club meets once a month, and has well over 100 members, with about 80 in attendance. Each month there is a different facilitator, that starts the discussion and keeps it going. They all seem to have a connection to the book we are reviewing, so the discussions are fun, lively and informative. Unfortunately the membership is closed at this time, but I’m sure anyone could go on a waiting list, if interested. If you are like I am and love to read, but have no interest in book clubs, get on the list and come to one meeting. I guarantee you will love it and will be booked, I mean hooked. Congratulations to these founders…they also did something remarkable.

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