The Villages


Written By: Charlotte - Mar• 11•12

Many years ago, things were not going right for me and it seemed that everything I touched went wrong. I could do no right. I mentioned this to a friend, who is a very knowledgeable astrologer, and she called me a few days later and said she checked my chart and my planet or planets were in retrograde, and that causes communication problems, lost items and happenings of that sort. The disturbing news is that retrograde can last for quite awhile. I limped through that period of my life, and whenever something went wrong, I shrugged it off as retrograde and went on about my business. I was reminded of retrograde this past week, and am now wondering if there is Extreme Retrograde. It started out last Monday, I had marked down a meeting I wanted to attend at 6:00pm. Meeting and dinner.  I prepare, get ready and make a quick call to make sure I will be on time. I was told the meeting is tomorrow night. Oh, okay. However, Sean and I got a dinner invitation, and that certainly was as nice, or nicer than going to the meeting. Tuesday morning I get up early, shower and dress for an 8:00am meeting and am on my way at 7:45am. I get there, and I had it wrong, the meeting was Thursday morning. Oh, okay. I did errands, had breakfast with a friend and later on in the day, prepared myself for the 6:00pm meeting and dinner. Get to Bonifay Country Club, and the meeting was the night before. Oh, okay. Still refusing to be bothered by these chain of events, stayed and had dinner with friends and it was fun. Wednesday, hop out of bed to go to water aerobics, in my bathing suit at 8:16am for a class I have attended at this time for months. Drive up to Colony Cottage Sports pool and no one is there.  Oh,this is not okay. I am now starting to panic, I’m loosing my mind. Did I not see a posted sign? Well, it turned out that a pump had broken and all classes were cancelled. Oh, okay. The fact that so many things were happening really had me unsettled and afraid that maybe I was experiencing the beginning of memory loss. How frightening was that?   All of a sudden I remembered Retrograde..that’s it…I’m in Extreme Retrograde. I’m sure if I checked, my planets are not lined up, and this could be for awhile. I looked retrograde up in the dictionary, and it says to go backwards.   Well, I was certainly going backwards.  Retrograde is very tricky, it appears when you least expect it to. I wrote this entire blog, left the computer to answer the phone, came back and it was completely gone. This was definitely a sign of communications  lost or better known as extreme retrograde.  I will admit however, I am not sure how the burnt spaghetti sauce and the half gallon of heavy whipping cream I bought instead of half n half, fits into my retrograde equation. I will also  admit I am a little concerned as today the clocks went forward, and if I am  going backwards,  what will this week bring? Could it mean that if one is going forwards  and the other is going backwards,  we will meet in the middle and it will be a perfectly normal week.  Oh, okay.

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