The Villages

Lunch with friends…

Written By: Charlotte - Mar• 13•12

There are many things to enjoy in The Villages and if you have not already noticed, many of our activities will invariable start or end with a meal.   I do believe there are many reasons that contribute to this;  the abundance of good restaurants, the prices are very reasonable compared to other parts of the country, the weather is conducive to eating out, and probable one of the biggest reasons is we don’t want to cook anymore.  So many times  I have mentioned in my blog the privileges of retirement.  I think this is another one to add to our list.   Can you imagine, when our families were young,  saying I dropped them off at school and met friends for breakfast, or after the soccer game we all went out to eat, before the cub scout meeting we have to meet for lunch, or after the PTA meeting we went for dinner.   There was cleaning and wash to be done, carpooling, and homework to be supervised, children to be scrubbed and put to bed.    Going out to dinner was an Anniversary event.  Now, it is part of our weekly routine, and some weeks it becomes almost a daily thing.  Eating out  means enjoying the company you are with, without having to clean up afterwards, and enjoy we do.   That brings me to my Lunch with friends, which is a group of women that I try to get together a few times a year.    I have met these women  over the years through water aerobics, book club, neighbors, my New Jersey neighbors,  Sean’s golfing buddies’s wives, and those I met when I was a Sales Associate with the Properties of the Villages, either buyers or sellers or renters.  Yesterday, as I looked down the table I realized many states were represented;  Conneticut, New Jersey, New York, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Florida and Canada.  We were an international group of friends.  (I might have missed a state or two, and I apologize.)  The conversation flowed very easily amongst everyone, and it is interesting that no matter where we came from, we share many of the same thoughts and interests.   I find it amazing how easy it is to make friends when coming to The Villages, and especially when getting together to have lunch.  An idea for the next lunch might be friends bringing friends.  In the meantime though I want to say to those who were able to attend and also those who had prior engagements,  I consider you my Village treasures, thank so much for your friendship.

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