The Villages

I will be traveling…

Written By: Charlotte - Mar• 14•12

I’m leaving this morning, bright and early for New Jersey. I will be driving, and most often I drive up alone. I stay over one night and then on to my sisters in Virginia, sometimes spending several days enjoying her company. Then it is on to NJ to stay with my sons. I haven’t seen them since last summer, so even though they may come down Easter, I am suffering grandsons withdrawal, and have to go. They are soon to be 17, 16, & 15, and it won’t be long until they are scattered in all different directions. This time however I will have a traveling companion. Lory Bauer will be driving up with me to also visit her sons and grandchildren, and flying back. We will only take two days, and should arrive there Thursday afternoon. I’m hoping to keep up with my blog when I am up there, however not sure I will do that. I will be back the first week of April, and will then catch up. Happy Spring.

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