The Villages

Spring has sprung…

Written By: Charlotte - Apr• 08•12

The robins have arrived in New Jersey, along with tulips, daffodils and forsythia.  I haven’t experienced Spring in the North in several years, so it brought back many memories.  I remember when my sons were young, another sure sign of spring was the mud they tracked in on their shoes.  I think the winters were more predictable years ago, and the ground would be pretty much frozen all winter,  producing mud as it thawed.   Spring,  robins and mud were synonymous.  I had a great trip back home, (I think home will always be where you grew up, even though my real home is now here in The Villages), I got to spend time with family and friends, and to catch up on growth spurts and hair lengths of  my grandsons.   All grew taller, some hair grew longer, some hair cut shorter, but all good.  Mike, my youngest grandson, has a special hamburger recipe that he wanted to treat me to, so  he made dinner one evening.   I  thoroughly enjoyed his recipe, as did everyone else.  I was a little disappointed my son Joe was not back from Ghana, so did not get to see him, but business is business, and he will be arriving home to his family tomorrow.  My sister Jane from California also visited, and we had a real working vacation together, which will be another blog.  As much  fun as  vacations and visits are,  it feels good to get back to my familiar routine.   It did take me awhile to pick up on my blog, but have gotten into water aerobics right away, went to a poetry workshop given by Betty Eich, which was fabulous as Betty always makes it,  and also got in a movie…Titanic in 3D.  I now have started writing again, so I’m back and want to wish everyone a Happy Spring and today a Happy Easter.

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