The Villages

A Village Midnight…

Written By: Charlotte - Apr• 12•12

Time takes on a life of its’ own in The Villages.   I think we all, at one time or another, thought that when we retired we would never have to watch the clock again.  Surprise, we still do, however some things have changed.  We no longer need an alarm clock to wake us up.  We just wake up on our own… usually very early.  If you are out and about in the morning, you will see  a beehive of activity;  people walking, jogging, roller blading, bicycling.   Lights are needed on golf carts, not for the evening, but for the morning. Two things happened recently that made me realize time is different now.  I called for an appointment  to have my car serviced, and I asked for a morning appointment.  They said how about 7:00am?  It had me wondering, if  7:00 am is a morning appointment, what is an early morning appointment?  As I jotted down the appointment I had gotten, I wrote 9:30 A.M..  Did I really have to write A.M.?  Doesn’t everyone know that 9:00 P.M. is midnight in The Villages?  It is.  Even with both town squares jumping with music and lively dancers every evening, at 9:00 P.M. the music stops and within minutes everyone is gone.   Recently Sean’s sons and a friend were here for a visit and they could not get over how everyone disappeared after 9:00 P.M.  One time I stayed out until 11:00 P.M. playing cards and I drove from Liberty Park to Rio Ponderosa and never saw one car.  It is about a 15 minute ride.  It is hard to imagine that you could drive anywhere for 15 minutes and not see a car.  A couple of years ago my sons were visiting and they were staying at The Waterfront Inn.  After enjoying themselves all day they headed back to the Inn.  My younger son Pete, invites his brother to come into his room for awhile.  Joe declined the invitation saying he was tired and wanted to go to bed.   Joe, it is only 8:30 PM!  See it really is true, even for the young and old, 9:00 P.M. is really Midnight in The Villages.  


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