The Villages

Hooray for the E…

Written By: Charlotte - Apr• 14•12

If alphabet letters had a popularity contest, the E would win hands down. Of course if I were the I, I might put up a protest, as without the I the E could not exist. It’s amazing how easy the E has made our lives, and how dramatically our lives have changed. We now can keep in contact with our friends through E-mail, we can get E-statements from our banks, we can E-file our taxes, (which are due April 17th) and we can now get E-notifications, which  brings me to my subject.  Everyone that I know loves living in The Villages, and I think one of the reasons is that  The Villages tries very hard to remove stress from our lives, so we can enjoy all the amenities and facilities. One thing that might produce stress though  is going to a facility to partake in an activity only to find the facility is closed for maintenance. (Of course if this is the most stress you have in a day, you are living a very good life) Anyway, so that we don’t even suffer at all, The Villages just introduced a new program called E-notification, which will give you all the information regarding all the closings, work in progress and scheduled re-opening dates. To sign up go to, at the top menu click on How Do I?,  click on Sign-up for E-notifications, and then click on what you want to be notified about.   Yes, Virginia, they think of everything.   And the more I think about E, it gets my vote…because  the E makes the I important,  and that makes my life easier.   Hooray for the E.

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