The Villages

Guess No More…

Written By: Charlotte - Apr• 20•12

Remember how hard it was when your young baby would cry and cry and you had to figure out what was wrong? Is he hungry, is he wet, does he have an ear ache, or how about when your dog or cat no longer eats, is he full, does he like the food, did he get into something and eat it.  Is the baby sick, is the dog or cat under the weather? We always could call the Doctor, or the Vet and they could do the diagnosing. It’s really hard when they can not tell you. Well, how about your wilting plants. Why are they drooping, do they need water, or did they have too much water, did they get a bug, what kind of bug. Guess no more. There is a Plant Clinic in The Villages that meets the first Thursday of every month at Sterling Heights Recreation Center. There is a panel discussion conducted by the Sumter County Master Gardeners, who are Villages residents, and extension agents from the University of Florida. You have the opportunity to learn about gardening in central Florida,including what plants, trees and palms are recommended, as well as problem solving. Bring in a sample of your plants illness, and they will help you with a diagnoses. Admission is free. There is also Garden Seminars held every fourth Tuesday of every month, 9 am at Savannah Center and 1 pm at Sterling Heights Recreation Center. Admission is free, but you need to get a ticket in advance. For information, call Sumter County Extension Office at 793-2728 or email    No more guessing with the Clinic and the Seminars,  and I’m sure if  the plants could talk , they would  say they live in the Healthiest Hometown.

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