The Villages

The Numbers made me do it…

Written By: Charlotte - Apr• 27•12

I believe I might have mentioned that I had taken a course on Numerology at the Lifelong Learning College. If I didn’t mention it,  I did take it.  Anyway, it was very, very interesting and not knowing anything about Numerology I was very surprised how much information about ones self can be told by ones’  numbers. I likened it to Astrology, which still has me wondering…how do the stars know that?  When my numbers were read, it was amazing how much they told about me. I was taking the class with a friend who when hearing the description, exclaimed to the class…that’s her, I couldn’t have described her better. When we were first figuring out our numbers, the teacher had mentioned in this particular exercise,  that normally you will come up with even numbers or odd numbers. I looked at my numbers and I had even and odd, just then she said, those of you who have even and odd numbers are a little more complicated…why did she have to say that?  My numbers read I am social but I also like to be alone, I analyze things, I can get very focused, all good right? Now here is the odd number, the complication…I am very restless, I have to keep moving, I jump from one thing to the next. How true: I want to work, no I don’t want to work, maybe I’ll go back to work, I think I’ll retire. (Secret, I think about work all the time.)   Unfortunately,  it’s true, and something that happened this past week just proves it. I was at lunch with some friends after our Book Club meeting and was talking to one of the women seated next to me. We were sharing art stories…I told her I had started doing oil painting, but had gone to another class where the instructor taught both oil and acrylic. She seemed to be doing more instruction with acrylics, so I thought I will try acrylics and went and purchased the paints, but never really got comfortable with them. The woman next to me said she had never painted before she came to The Villages and she took a Watercolor course, and loves them. She mentioned the classes she attended and told me the instructors name. Her enthusiasm got me thinking. Then last week-end while visiting my sister, she also paints with oil and pastels, she tells me she is painting with watercolors and loves it. She even let me use her watercolors and gave me some tips, and I really enjoyed it. I was feeling guilty that I was jumping from, oils to acrylics, and now watercolors, but then I remembered my Numerology class, and I felt much better, the numbers make me do it. You can bet when I go to the Lifelong Learning College’s open house tomorrow I will be looking for a particular instructor and signing up immediately. The Open House is Sat. April 28, 9am-1pm at the College wing of The Villages High School, across from Bonefish. There is a course for everyone…and for those with odd numbers…there are 100s.

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