The Villages

Try it…

Written By: Charlotte - Apr• 29•12

As I had mentioned earlier, yesterday was the Lifelong Learning College’s Open House.  The benefit of attending this event  is to get the Fall Catalog before it is circulated with the Daily Sun on Monday, and also to get to meet many of the teachers and facilitators of the different classes offered.  You also are able to sign up for classes, which is really very important, as some classes fill up quickly.  I signed up yesterday for three, which I felt were going to fill up fast, and I have two more I will call in on Monday.   I know curiosity kills the cat…so I will tell you what I signed up for.  First, I found the art instructor I was looking for…Rebecca Schwartz, so I will be taking her watercolor class.  I’m excited about that as there are several people lately that have encouraged me to do watercolors, so I will give it a try.  I also love Dr. Ina Anderson’s classes, so checked her fall schedule and she is giving a course on Reincarnation and Karma.  Just speaking briefly with her, her enthusiasm for everything is still bubbling inside me.  I did tell her I am becoming more interested in Reincarnation as the closer I get to leaving here, I find it comforting  to know there is a possibility I may be coming back.  The third person I looked for, found and signed up with is Roger Kass.   Again, like Dr. Anderson, I will sign up for whatever Roger is facilitating, however unlike Dr. Anderson making me feel all bubble inside, I am rather intimidated, not by  Roger but by the subject of his course.      Having worked with Roger and his wife at Properties of The Villages,  I had opportunities to talk with them and always found my conversations with both of  them to be very insightful and above all, always very interesting.  I saw Roger was teaching  a class last semester and tried to sign up but it was already full, however attending the Open House  gave me the opportunity to sign up early.  The class is  ” Great Decisions 2012″  which  fosters group discussions  exploring different perspectives on current foreign policy topics.  The foreign policy topic is the intimidating part, as  I know very little about our  policies.  However,   I think we are faced more and more with global challenges that impact our own domestic challenges, and it is good to be part of discussions such as this.    Those that have critiqued Roger’s classes say… discussions are lively, friendly and informative, he makes you think and even sometimes changes  your mind, he is passionate about the subject and does an excellent job of stirring up discussion…   Stirred I am, and am looking forward to September.   The two classes I’m signing up for tomorrow are Cold Porcelain and Hemingway’s Women.   The cold porcelain is like working with clay but unlike clay it does not need to be fired and it air drys in 24 hours.  Years ago I did molding of  Baker’s clay, which did not have to be fired either.    My daughter-in-law  Michele recently sent me pictures of some of things I had made, reminding me of the fun I had doing  that.   I anticipate I will really enjoy working with the cold porcelain, just as I did the Baker’s clay.  Last but not least is Hemingway’s Women. I became interested in Hemingway recently when one of our  Book Club selections was The Paris Wife, which was about Hemingway’s first wife Hadley.  He went on to have several more wives, plus there were other woman who influenced him such as his strong Mother and Gertrude Stein.  That’s it, I’m  really looking forward to September.   I can’t even begin to tell you how much The Lifelong Learning College offers, however there is something for everyone, and   I know if you try it…you’ll like it.

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