The Villages

Be happy and The Original Brooklyn Water Bagel…

Written By: Charlotte - May• 03•12

I’m happy, my computer is up and running again.  That wasn’t too bad…took it to MMD Computers one day and got it back the next.  When the technician called regarding the problems, he enthusiastically told me  my hard drive was good.  By the tone of his voice, I figured I was really lucky and breathed a sigh of relief, not sure what for,  but felt a sigh would be the appropriate reaction.    Actually had it been a  bad hard drive my sigh probably would have been a lot deeper, only because any sentence with bad in it is not good.  Your hard drive is bad, ugh.. I have bad news, oh no… your brakes are bad, so soon… your dog was bad, again… your boys were bad, not mine…so you see,  good is good.  I found it amazing how much a part of my life the computer is.  I caught myself many times going to the empty space on my desk, and feeling lost.  Now what do I do?  I did go  to Ken and Lory’s and used their computer for a little bit.   Not having a computer is like not having the car for a day.  You think of all the places you should go, or could go.  Well, I had a car and Lory and I decided to do some shopping and wound up in the wrong shopping center.  So many shopping centers it is easy to get confused.  However it was meant to be.  I think we both saw it at the same time,  “The Original Brooklyn Water Bagels”.   Brooklyn Bagels!!!  You have to be from the Northeast Metropolitan area to realize what it is like to move south, where the bagels and  breads are different.   They are  good, but not the same.  It has always been said that the water is different and that is the reason.   Well like any problem you have in the Villages,  it is solved.  Brooklyn water is available, not only for bagels and muffins, they even sell bottled water.     We made a beeline into the store and were not disappointed…if you closed your eyes you would have sworn you were in Brooklyn,  and if you closed them real tight you might even think you saw the Brooklyn Bridge.  They sell bagels and muffins, but the menu of bagel sandwiches was the highlight for us.  Although it was lunch time and the place was hopping, we were really surprised that they said they had been open for eight months.  We couldn’t even call this a best kept secret because it was so busy.  I have to thank a wrong turn and a sick computer for our find, and it just goes to say, once again, there is always something to be happy about.

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