The Villages

Evening with the Developer…

Written By: Charlotte - May• 10•12

Last night,  when our Developer  Mark Morse got up in front of a packed house at the Savannah Center, he did not come to dazzle us with song and dance, rather he did something much better, he wowed us with new statistics regarding our community and what it means to many.  In his annual address to the VHA members,  he spoke humbly of being part of a dynamic team-you as residents, us as the developers.  Constructively, collaboratively – we are The Villages.  And we are, and I think that is what makes us different, and let’s never change that.  I sat in the next to the last row in the Balcony, (and I had gone immediately the day after the announcement of ticket availability, and there were just a few seats left) and as the Villagers started arriving the room was electric.  It was fun to sit and observe and it struck me how upbeat and happy everyone was, not like many of the town meetings I had attended in my previous home.  No grumpy faces, no crossed arms, no posturing for battle.  There are many statistics I will include in future blogs, but I want to leave this blog today on a very appropriate note for most of us.  At the end of  Mark Morse’s address,  he and his sister Tracy introduced several of their children and their spouses.  These young members are a symbol of our future.  Our children, our heir’s.  I’m hoping that part of my legacy will be that my children will get the same enjoyment out of the Villages as I do…that they will be a part of a future team that will continue to ensure that this remains the  Friendliest- Healthiest and most  Unique hometown.

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