The Villages

A 2012 Repost of a Mother’s Day phone calls…

Written By: Charlotte - May• 09•20

Thank goodness a Mother’s love is all forgiving.  I feel I have to write this, as there is a special person in NJ (now in Charlotte NC)checking in to see if I would mention this.  Would I really want the world to know her son did not call on Mother’s Day.  His  flowers arrived early on Friday morning, with a loving note from he and his wife.  My thought was they are beautiful flowers and he is preparing me.  There were even chocolates with the flowers, so I knew this can not be good.  I called and spoke with Laura his wife and thanked her, and we had a nice long chat and I  got caught up with all the news. I thought he would like to see what he sent, so I emailed a picture of the flowers and in my email, for good measure, I ended with I’ll talk to you tomorrow.   Mother’s Day I enjoyed my coffee next to the vase of roses, even ate a chocolate and waited…..fortunately I gave birth to two sons and I did get a call from my second son, who validated my  good Mothering.  Sorry Joe, I had to do it.   I could not resist the opportunity.  Actually, the above was written tongue in cheek, and mostly because I don’t think he thought I would say something.  However, I wasn’t home to take any calls as I left the house at 8:30am, did water aerobics, brought a change of clothes, and from there went to a late Breakfast Buffet at Bonifay Country Club with Carole and her sister Gerry.  We ate outside, the weather was beautiful and enjoyed each other’s company.  (Sean was ambasssadoring)  When we left we were going to go to a movie, but settled in at Carole’s house where we literally put our feet up, relaxed and talked some more.  When he called early, early this morning he greeted me with the saying he always uses when he knows there may be trouble in river city.  Did you take my pictures down?? (that’s another story for another day) I think he was a little surprised that I was upbeat and happy and that is because I really did expect his call today.  If he didn’t call today he probably would have been in real big trouble.  I think many of the Holidays now take on a different importance.  Mother’s Day was a real big day when the boys were young.  I really needed a day where I was the number one concern of  the entire family.  It was really nice not to cook, or clean up or do anything.  It was fun to see what a five year old had so carefully wrapped up and given with such loving pride;  a rock, hand painted red and yellow with a picture of themselves glued on it, or a picture of themselves mounted in a popsicle stick frame which was also hand-painted. That is what Mother’s Day is all about..home made gifts, no cooking, no responsibility just relax and have fun.  Actually I am more concerned that my sons honor the Mother of their sons, now all three teenagers,  and from the sound of it they did and they all had a nice day.   Unfortunately the day goes too fast.  However, the no cooking, no responsibility, fun and relaxation sounds to me like I’m living Mother’s Day everyday and with that in mind, I should be the one making the phone calls.

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