The Villages

Getting ready…

Written By: Charlotte - May• 22•12

For the window washer. Why is it we clean before the cleaners come, we vacuum good before the carpets get cleaned, and we make sure the tracks and the windowsills are cleaned for the window washer. Sometimes the amount of work we put into getting ready is the tough part, we might as well go ahead and just clean. Anyway, the window washer is coming at 11:00am today, and the windows are looking pretty good for him. I consider myself a so-so housekeeper. I feel very guilty when I hear what some people go through, or what they do, to keep their houses immaculate, but  then on the other hand, I can be condescending to those who are not good housekeepers. I think that rationale puts me in the middle, not so good not so bad. If you come into my home it looks pretty good, but you won’t have to look too hard for dust, and then there are those homes that are not as neat, but when you look, underneath they are scrubbed to a nubbin. There are no germs lurking anywhere. I’ve been preparing for the window washer for a few days. I ask myself, why…why so long. Well, take yesterday, I decided to thouroughly dust the bookcase and all the books on it.  (The bookcase has a window next to it.)  I came across a section of 15 Artist magazines I had forgotten all about. Seeing as I have been taking art lessons, and am looking forward to more in the fall, I started reading them. Now, I discover an artist supply ad which looks interesting, and just happens to have a web address, so I go to the computer, and it actually gets much worse. There are many artist supply websites to browse.   I finally get back to the bookcase and the next shelf up has all my diet books from the fall of man. Diet books have pictures, and what better to do then look at all those delicious calorie free meals.  Makes a person hungry, so off to the kitchen for something to eat.    When Sean gets in and asks me what I’ve been doing, I say  I’ve been cleaning all day.   I should really have admitted  to a productive day of  procrastination.   Anyway Sean and I will enjoy sparkly windows this afternoon, in spite of my procrastinating and having to finish my window preparation at 6:00 am this morning.  When we were working it never bothered me to have someone come in and do all the household chores, however being retired I sometimes feel guilty, as I have all the time in the world but still have people come and do some things for me.  Some things don’t change though…as the men no longer want to do outdoor work, there are those of us who don’t want to do indoor work.  The prices are so reasonable, especially coming from the New York Metropolitan area, that it makes no sense to burden ourselves with those chores.  Harold Schwartz said it all in some of the earliest ads…”Live like a millionaire on a retirement budget.” And I am.

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