The Villages

Injuries with accomplishments…

Written By: Charlotte - May• 28•12

It is unfortunate that as we get older we can injure ourselves very easily. We get out of shape at the drop of a hat. When we were young we never exercised and we could run fast, jump high, fall down, lift anything and we never felt worse for wear. Now we have to work at staying fit, and if we miss a couple of days we are almost back to day one and we have to start all over. It’s one thing to over extend ourselves when working in the garden, or scrubbing a floor, playing tennis or walking an extra mile or two, at least the next day when we get up we have accomplished something. Those aches and pains are the fruits of our labor. What is absolutely maddening is to go to bed fine and wake up with an injury. Arms and knees seem to suffer the most injury while sleeping, which is a little baffling as I can’t imagine that one was running, or jumping, or throwing while sleeping. There is a silver lining though to these injuries…a few Advil or Motrin get rid of them very quickly, which affords us the opportunity to go out and get a few real injuries with accomplishments, which makes them all worthwhile.

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