The Villages

Rain, rain…

Written By: Charlotte - Jun• 03•12

Don’t go away. It did, and the sun is shining brightly now, but it was wonderful to get four or five days of good rain, meaning it was continuous, not the five or ten minutes we often get. We had times when it poured for a half an hour to an hour, and it did this on and off for several days. I heard avid golfers say when they woke up they heard the rain and just turned over and went back to sleep. Not my golfer,he got up, readied himself, packed his umbrella and left for the course, and returned home shortly. He didn’t complain though, as he’s from Ireland and warm rain does not faze him at all. If anything he becomes melancholy. As I rode through The Villages yesterday, it was amazing how green and lush everything looked; the landscaping, lawns and golf courses, they looked like pictures out of Ireland. As I went over the bridge at Lake Sumter I could not help but marvel at how full the lake was. I live on a preserve that has been in dire need of water. The wild life had left for more fertile ground, but returned immediately as soon as there was water. The large herons were back, along with their smaller counterparts. Today however, the sun is shining brightley, and we are all enjoying that, but wouldn’t it be nice if we could hear it raining and pouring while we all are snoring, and then get up to a sunshiny day. Just dreaming out loud and surprising myself with the fact I could even wish for anything better than what we have. Love the rain, but love the sunshine even more.

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