The Villages


Written By: Charlotte - Jan• 01•12

Happy New Year means getting serious with my Blog, it also means staying on my diet, and of course exercising, planning the long awaited trip to Ireland, and also Colorado….see there are some happy things to look forward to and then there are those New Year’s resolutions that just keep coming up year after year after year. They are so very boring, but really at my age so very important,  so that I can enjoy a trip to Ireland and Colorado. I will finish up the year 2012 telling you just how successful I have been. Don’t they say you have to verbalize your goal, you have to write it down, you have to surround yourself with supportive people…well here goes. Let’s take my first resolution;  I will commit to posting five days a week,  however I  just remembered another saying, don’t make your goal too big, it has to be attainable.  Okay,  check back in three days and see how I’m doing.  Oh boy,  I can’t believe I put that in writing. If you think this is easy, write your goal down and tell me,  I most assuredly will be your cheerleader.    Wishing you good luck, good fortune, Happy New Year, and 100% success in filling your New Year’s Resolutions, or if not, 100% guilt free failure.

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