The Villages

What did you say…

Written By: Charlotte - Jun• 06•12

about me? When I am writing my blog, I will most often write in generalities, unless I am featuring one person in particular. I think it could be because for years being a real estate broker, the privacy act is something we incorporated into our everyday interactions with people.  We never divulged information about anyone, not even that we knew them or saw them.  So having that mind set through training, I am always surprised when someone hears about my blog and they say, what did you say about me? Well, that happened yesterday and I felt really bad that I had not mentioned her name, so I will try to make up to her. Her name is Yvonne Santiago and I met her at my cold porcelain class. She is a delightful and talented woman who was born in Honduras, and as a matter of fact she was recently featured in the Mix for having a large family reunion, with relatives coming from Honduras and other faraway places. She actually is the teacher and is extremely good at what she does. I have taken two classes with Yvonne, in one we made a hibiscus with a hummingbird and the other we made an orchid plant with nine flowers on it. She  makes sure that they turn out just right, as she will help, suggest and even do when she feels it is necessary to make sure the final product is perfect. I haven’t known Yvonne very long, but I believe she has a mischievious personality, is extremely  knowledgable about a lot of things, has a very successful family that she is proud of, and although she can be  quiet,  she is  not missing  a trick.  Those also taking the class were  Pat, Jean, Ginny, Kaye and myself.   We all came from the NY Metropolitan area, I’m  from NJ and the others from NY City or Long Island, except for Kaye who I have to  believe has some NY in her, or she has been associating with New Yorkers.   You never want to get in a New Yorkers radar, if you do you are doomed.  At one point Pat said, “C’mon Charlotte you’re too quiet, you have to stand up for yourself.”  Oh no, the minute I stand up for myself, I am an open target, and I am having too much fun listening to all of them tease each other.   Yvonne took all their teasings in stride and in some cases gave it right back.    New Yorkers tease…other parts of the country call it harassing…it is best described as friendly harassment.  If you’re being friendly harassed,  that means they like you, it is when they ignore you that you have to be worried.  Anyway, it was a great class, with a great teacher and great new friends and it was fun saying something about them.  Their teasing, or better known as friendly harassment,  made me do it.

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