The Villages

Music, music, music…

Written By: Charlotte - Jun• 11•12

I really think everyone loves some type of music.  I have rarely heard anyone say, I don’t like music. If I never hear another note of music in my lifetime I will be so happy. I have heard people say I love jazz, but I don’t like rock, or I like banjos but I don’t like saxophones. I’ve was known to mutter under my breath when my sons were in High School…and I don’t understand todays youth’s choice of music. But of course, did our parents and grandparents jump for joy when Elvis came into our lives or I’m sure they asked themselves, what does an earth worm have to do with love? Anyway, no matter what type of music you like it is most likely here in The Villages. Today at the Civil Discourse meeting a member mentioned that he had attended as a spectator, a Piano Club meeting at Laurel Manor and said it was exhilerating and suggested that if anyone wants to spend an enjoyable afternoon mark your calendar and attend their next meeting. They meet the lst Wednesday of the month, at 3pm at Laurel Manor Recreation Center. I know Sean and I have attended the Traditional Irish Music club, and have enjoyed every minute of their playing. There is a saxophone group, trombones, red carter jazz, dixieland jazz,bluegrass, acoustic guitar, electric guitar, and then there are the bands, German band, The Villages concert band, brass band, you name it and they will be practicing at one of the centers. I happened one day to hear banjos, and went to see what was going on. It was a group of banjo players having a wonderful time, and I just quietly sat in and listened. Those playing seem to love having people come in that appreciate their music. To find out the clubs’ schedule, you again can go to, department, recreation,lifestyle volunteers, club contact and see their schedules. Look under Band or Music and the particular instrument you are interested in, it will be listed in one of those categories. The piano club sounded really like a lot of fun. Maybe I will see you there, I’ll be the one tapping my toes.

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