The Villages

The Villages did it again…

Written By: Charlotte - Jan• 02•12

New Year’s Eve Sean and I were on our way to the Bowling Alley, our silence was broken with Sean asking what fingers do I put in the bowling ball? You’re  asking me? I hadn’t bowled in over 40 years, and even though I don’t remember a lot lately, I specifically remember the last time I bowled thinking,  if I never bowl again it will be too soon. Well even 40 years later was too soon. As he parked the car and we were getting out I said, I wish I was getting into the car right now and it would be all over. Sean whole heartedly agreed, at which point I am now aggravated. I was here for him, it was his friends that suggested this and now he can hardly wait to get back in the car? I kindly reminded him that it was his idea, at which point he shot back so fast, that I am  here because you wanted to bowl and I figured if I said no, I’d never hear the end of it. Do you really think I would have been mad if you said Charlotte, no we are not bowling New Year’s Eve.  Just as we jumped out of the car, the conversation not going in a good direction,   a couple cheerfully wished us a Happy New Year,  and  raced on with all their bowling apparatus trailing behind them, like luggage at an airport.   Their cheerfulnuess and equipment only added to our intimidation. As we slowly approached the alley, my thoughts went back to the events leading up to the commitment; we were with a group of Sean’s  friends having a really good time. I had a couple of drinks, and when approached about bowling, it was true it sounded like a great idea…it was my drink induced enthusiasm that got us here.  We timidly entered the Bowling Alley and what to our wondering eyes did we find,  that about half of the bowlers were just like us, wondering which fingers go in what holes.   I bumped into a man who was returning a 17 lb. ball because someone said a beginner shouldn’t use that weight.  Sean, who wears a size 11 shoe and was given size 12 1/2,  stumbles towards me like a circus clown…we looked at the predicament we had gotten  into and we found ourselves surrounded by laughter, everyone  having a great time.  We bowled in our New Year’s Eve hats, and getting any number of pins down was celebrated with an end-zone dance and horn blowing.  Even my consistent gutter balls got high fives and I learned that I can throw them, and no one cares including myself.   We put our balls down at midnight and celebrated with champayne.     Need I say we have our names on the list for next year, and have spent New Year’s Day telling everyone how much fun it was, and you have to join us next year.  I haven’t gotten close to signing up to joining the Bad Bowlers League, (they really do have one)  but who knows,  maybe one more New Year’s Eve bowling bash, I just might.  The Villages did it again:  are you serious, I’m going to move to Florida and bowl?? Yes, I did move to Florida  And I was going to bowl?   Yes I did and loved it.   How did this happen?  It’s the Villages, it’s magical.   Try it, you’ll like it too.

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