The Villages

Imagine, 55 thousand pounds…

Written By: Charlotte - Jun• 20•12

For those of you who have subscribed to V-Mail you probably have been watching the building of Brownwood, which will be our third downtown area.  However if you haven’t, I highly recommend watching it. I have enjoyed all the episodes, of which there are presently six.   I have especially enjoyed episode 5, which is about the artists that are doing the art work on the buildings, and episode 6, which is about the mature trees being planted, one weighing 55 thousand pounds, if you can imagine. Also, a look inside the Barnstorm theatre with the utilization of Styrofoam in building the theatres, and then a look at the log cabins being erected with trees that were felled over 250-300 years ago. It is so interesting and as a Villager I can’t express my excitement  enough, for this wonderful addition to our community. You can catch up on all the the episodes by going to and in search at the top, type in Building of Brownwood.  I know you will be as impresssed as I am.   I am still in awe of the planting of the trees, which when done will number over 1000.   When I think things can’t get any better, The Villages do it again.  Amazing.

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