The Villages

Be careful what you wish for…

Written By: Charlotte - Jun• 26•12

We have wanted so badly for the preserve behind our house to fill up with water, as every little bit of rain we have gotten over the past several years has not stopped it from getting dryer and dryer each year. When the water goes away, so does the wildlife. Gone are the days of the coot hens and ducks on their nests, the herons of all descriptions and the alligator we watched, patrolling his habitat like a Brinks security guard. Each spring we miss the site of the coot hens and their little ones stepping from lily pad to lily pad to cross the small pond behind our house. Twice in the seven years we have been here did we have a baby alligator visit us on our patio and then in our garage. How many times we said, what we really need is a week or more of solid rain and maybe that will, to a degree, bring it back. Needless to say we have been delighted with the  rain that we have had, and we keep checking to see if we can see the water yet. I can remember checking out the window to see how deep the snow was during a snowstorm, even turning the outside lights on in the middle of the night to take a look.  It has been de ja vue, but this time I’m looking for  water, even turning the lights on in the middle of the night.  Sure enough yesterday the pond is getting bigger and bigger, and some birds are flocking back. The frogs are singing at the top of their lungs and it is music to our ears. Today the weather news is that hurricane Debbie is coming across central Florida tomorrow around 2PM.  I am still delighted with the news as that will bring more water to the preserve, but am a little concerned as I am leaving in the early am to head to NJ for a month or so. I hope to be in South or North Carolina by 2PM, so that is not a problem, however not so sure how fierce the wind may be pushing  at my back. As one who is pretty positive, it may help with my gas mileage.  Of course if  it looks too risky, I’ll gladly delay my start for 24 hours, as I still am delighted with the thought of the rain will bring to our backyard. I did wish for it but I will be careful.

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