The Villages


Written By: Charlotte - Jul• 18•12

It’s me and as I promised:  no politics, no religion, and no negativity.  A few of you reading this will know what I am talking about and I welcome you to my blog, if this is the first time you have visited it.  I feel a little rusty writing, and that perhaps is why I have been procrastinating, and putting my two sense in, in other places.  I had a smooth trip up, and as always enjoyed my visit with my sister in Virginia.  We went to my favorite material store, (I want to cover some cushions), and if a hoarder only hoarded material, this is what their place would look like.  It is the first floor of a house with  room after room of bolts of material, standing up straight like soldiers,  with a Collier brothers passageway to navigate from one room to the next.   If you stood on tippy toes and saw something across the room,  you had to crawl on top of the bolts, bumping your head on the ceiling from time to time.  I stood on tippy toes and pointed and my sister, being much younger and more agile than I, bumped and crawled until she got just the right piece. That is what little sisters do for bigger sisters.  After successfully shopping we went to my next favorite place and that is an historic Virginia Tavern for lunch.  I left the next morning, 12 hours after losing electricity when the violent storms rolled across the Blue Ridge Mountains into Washington and left people without power for days.  They had electricity in NJ, and I arrived in time for a great July 4th celebration.  It’s great to be here with everyone, but mostly miss Sean and all the goings on in The Villages.


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