The Villages

Home Again, Home Again…

Written By: Charlotte - Aug• 26•12

Jiggety Jog. I made it back, and although it was hard to leave everyone it was great to get home. I think that is always the way, we hate packing but love going away, when we are there the time goes so fast, but we love getting home. Packing to come home is easy, unpacking takes time. I was away for nine weeks, and although I have paid all the bills, I am now going through a mountain of mail. It is taking me a few days to get acclimated to The Villages. After driving all those weeks on New Jersey highways and then going with the flow of traffic on Route#95, as I got closer to The Villages on Rt.#441 I found myself trying to figure out what the problem was, is there an accident, why is the traffic going so slow? The lights  would turn green and no one would go, I’m thinking why are they not moving. However in comparison, as slow as the traffic goes the activities here are moving fast and furious.  My head is spinning as there are  so many things I want to do, but first I just have to finish unpacking and sorting  the mail.  My activity light has been on red for awhile and now as it turns green I will eventually move.

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