The Villages

What do you do…

Written By: Charlotte - Sep• 01•12

in Florida. I was asked this many times while visiting in New Jersey, and I sometimes wondered if I had moved to another part of New Jersey would I have been asked the same question. In some cases the question was asked with a very compassionate tone of voice, or other times with a tinge of arrogance.  Normally the arrogant one would follow up with, how can you stand the heat. Interestingly enough New Jersey was about the same temperature as Florida this summer, but you can bet in February it’s not. I think a lot of people, myself included until I visited here, have no idea how beautiful our weather is in the northern section of the state. We go to the 50’s at night but warm up to high 70’s and 80’s mid-day. No matter how cool it gets, if at any time you sit in the sun, it is pleasantly warm. Even during the coolest parts of the year, a sweater or sweatshirt is sufficient to keep you warm. You can however always tell a born and raised Floridian by the earmuffs, gloves and coats they wear on some early morning romps.  To get back to the what do you do, rather than say what I do, I would say there are over 1800 activities a month to choose from, and the questioner would look at me and just smile, she’s really lost it, there could never be 1800 things to do in a given month. Honestly, there is. I personally don’t do that many a month, but anything you could imagine is here to do. The 1800 activities I am talking about are all facillitated by volunteers with either a very nominal fee for supplies or no fee at all.  Whoops, to be continued, as I’m off to swim.  Yes, swimming is one of my activities, and I don’t want to be late.

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