The Villages

Volunteers – The heart of The Villages…

Written By: Charlotte - Jan• 03•12

I am just so amazed at the dedication of the residents that volunteer to teach us any thing you could ever imagine.   I understand there are now close to  2000 activities in the Villages.  In most cases, no cost to the participants and  all run by volunteers, and I have to say very dedicated volunteers, as they will be up and out early in the day to see that we get our water aerobics in, our pickleball lessons, art lessons, book clubs, line dancing,  ballrooom dancing,yoga instruction, zumba, writing workshops, bridge,civil discourse, philosophy club, foreign films, and on and on and on. The amount of talent that is in the Villages is beyond belief, and the unselfishness of those talented people to share their knowledge is a great benefit to all of us. Recently I attended a presentation given by a former History teacher. He was so, so interesting that I wished I could go back and take High School history all over. When I was in high school it never piqued my curiosity, but then again I might have been too busy watching the door and the  clear glass panel  to see who was looking in , or checking the room for any potential future Saturday night dates.  Anyway, at another presentation the speaker, who had worked for corporations that were doing business all over the world, started his speech with the fact that he had made provisions in his will to distribute his wealth to his family, however he felt his wealth also included everything he had learned over the years and by giving presentations he was sharing that wealth with all of us, which was not only very enlightening but also made us understand the need for trade with other countries.  I took that thought a bit farther and applied that to the volunteers…they are sharing their wealth and passsion with us…and we are loving it.  Thanks to the many hours you give us.    Hoping everyone holds you in high esteem for what you do, as I know I do.  My hats also go out to those of you who are involved in charitable organizations, clothing drives, food pantries, hospital volunteers and auxiliary members, and again and again the list goes on. Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you.

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