The Villages

Click, click click,….

Written By: Charlotte - Sep• 11•12

click click, click. No this is not morse code, I am texting, and that is the word text. I feel as awkward doing this as I did the first time I tried to inhale a cigarette. How do people do this, why don’t they just pick up the phone and call, isn’t that easier.  I’m  hoping, it will eventually become easier and more pleasurable.  I would not want anyone to know how long it took me to text a short message, how many times I lost my message, I even erased the phone number.  I will persevere and be as proficient a texter than any  others my own age. One nice thing is the texter is instantly rewarded,  as before there is time to put the phone away there is an incoming text. Of course you have to answer…and off you go, click.   I realized while I was visiting my 17, 16 and 15 year old grandsons this summer that if I am going to be able to communicate with them, I better learn to text.  When I was leaving I told Damian that I was going to start texting him so I could keep up with what is going on in his life.  He said that if I didn’t want to text I could call him.  I felt very special when he said that as he talked to no one all summer on the phone.  It was like he gave me a privelege that he not even extended to his closest buddies.   I never thought that he might have figured I was too old to text.  While I was visiting it struck me how hard it is for parents today to keep up with what their teenagers are up to.  When my sons were growing up we had one phone in the kitchen.  I knew pretty much what they were doing and who they were doing it with.    Where are you going? Who are you going with?  Oh no you’re not.  Damian, on the other hand,  would come to me out of the blue and asked if I could take him and his friend to the fair.  You better check with your mother.  I did. Does Miles know we’re picking him up.  He does.  I never heard him talk to anyone, how do they know?  Oh, texting, even his mother texts him.  I observed the three of them for the rest of the summer and realized what I had to do if I wanted to get any of their attention.  I sensed Damian was very proud of me as his return text said You did it.  I think he was as surprised as I was.   I have to admit that when he did not return a text to me right away I was  discouraged.  I thought about my text, and not knowing how private they are, or if their friends get to see their texts, I did not want to end with Grammie, so I put G.  I thought maybe he doesn’t recognize my cell number and he is wondering who G is.  My second text said G stands for Grammie….I got an instant reply.  So I am officially up and running.  However like any sport we get involved in requires better equipment,  I realize so does texting.  I will probably have to upgrade my phone as it takes quite awhile to click there is an alligator in the driveway…I need a phone with a keyboard.  I do promise myself that I will not stand around looking at my phone, or sit in a restaurant texting, or interrupt a conversation to check messages, oh well unless it is from my grandsons.  I will apologize though, and I know everyone will understand.

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