The Villages

I always wanted…

Written By: Charlotte - Sep• 16•12

to. I vowed I would write my blog at least four to five days a week, and I find myself falling far behind. It is not because there is nothing to blog about, quite the contrary, but I get caught up in things and the day just flies by. I will say I am a morning writer, I guess you could say I am a morning person. I am much more amiable when I pay my bills in the morning as compared to my attitude towards bills in the late afternoon. I have a sister who has published a book which is revised every few years and she  likes to write in the afternoon. That really surprised me as she is at her club between 5:30 & 6:00 am swimming laps for 45 minutes straight, so I always thought that only a morning person does something like that. I thought she would want to get to her writing while she was still invigorated.  I’ll let you in on a secret though, I recently spent time with her on a project we are involved together in, and she writes brilliantly morning or afternoon. She is always invigorated.   Anyway, the other day my friend and I were on our way to lunch at Polly’s Pantry, an English tea room in Wildwood…Coronation Chicken Salad the best…and we got talking about things we have done since we arrived at the Villages.  She is playing tennis, cards, bowling, volunteering at the Hospital.  That sounds about as active as one would want to be.  She then said how she always wanted to learn sign language, so when she first moved here she took a class.  She is sitting next to me in the car signing her name, and she looked very proficient, although there was no way I would know if she was doing it right.  She went on to say she took tap dancing, as she always wanted to do that.  I confessed I did too, and I haven’t thrown my shoes out, just in case I want to return to it. She hasn’t either.   We laughed and she said she wanted to play the keyboard, I said I had always wanted to play the piano.  I had purchased a piano, never did get into playing it and gave it to a family that had five children that wanted to play the piano but did not have the means to purchase one.  They were delighted and I know if the piano could talk it probably is having more fun there than it had with me. We talked about how as children or young adults we always wanted to do something, and now that we are in The Villages we can.  I was reading about the Newcomers Get Together and they were asking people what brought them here and in every case it was the lifestyle.  One gentleman said I always wanted to take a class in Spanish, well I guess I know who is going to be in one of the next Spanish classes.  We now have 1950 activities being run out of our recreation centers, that does not count the Lifelong Learning College and their activities.  A list of the activities can be found by going to, click on Department at top, click on Recreation, on Quick Links click on Resident Lifestyle Volunteer Information, (you don’t have to volunteer) click on Club Contacts, and there you have it.  I’m giving you this information….just in case you always wanted to….

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