The Villages


Written By: Charlotte - Sep• 20•12

Almost everyone has one, and those who don’t wish they did.   If you are working, it is hard to have one, but some do anyway. Some don’t know any better and just do it. Others fight to the bitter end, and either don’t do it or eventually after many shed tears succumb to it. Then there are the ones that plan them, carry the mission out and while it is happening sit back and enjoy a few hours or minutes of peace, but there are also those times you don’t plan to have one and it just happens, other times you can hardely wait to have one. Ones age enters into the amount of enjoyment you get out of one and even effects the length of one. Usually people are much happier after having one, but sometimes there are those that are very cranky and should go back and have another one. For many years I had not had one because I was too old to have one, and then too busy to have one, and probably did not feel successful people needed one, only lazy people would have one. However, things change and I bet most people in The Villages have one everyday…some intentionally and some just happen. If you don’t plan one you will probably have one when you least expect it like when you  sit down to read or to watch TV. You need no skills or special equipment to have one. Every single person worldwide can have one. We don’t debate it, talk about it and many times don’t own up to it. No I wasn’t having one, you thought I was but I wasn’t. Living in The Villages produces more of them I think because of the amount of energy exerted all day long by the residents, plus it takes time to have one and we that we have. There is the saying what goes around comes around and it is so true..we all started out needing one and now we are just having one, just because we want to. Szzzzzz

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