The Villages


Written By: Charlotte - Sep• 27•12

adj.: pleasing to the eye,  collog.: extra good,  syn.: attractive, lovely.  I don’t think I have ever used the word as much as I have since I moved to The Villages.   Occasionally I would remark that something was beautiful, but it seems that I am always thinking that lately.  Who wouldn’t think it going over the bridge to Lake Sumter Market Square or walking around  Spanish Springs Town Square,  when entering the Recreation Centers, or how about the Sales Office or the new furnished models, the Country Clubs.  I think we would all agree that there are many  things that are pleasing to the eye, extra good, and attractive and lovely. I was recently amazed at how many times I actually thought this in a matter of 15 minutes.  It takes me 15 minutes to get from my home to the Mulberry Sports pool.  I can travel Morse Blvd to El Camino to Buena Vista or I can ride through Tierra del Sol, Santo Domingo and El Santiago to get to my destination.  It was when riding through those neighborhoods that I found myself saying, this is really beautiful.  The rain has been very good for all our golf courses, ponds and landscaping and we come to expect that of our amenities. However,  more than that it is the way each resident manicures their property.  As I drove along  I never saw one errant blade of grass and  all the mowers must be  set at the same cutting height.   You look down street after street and it is a continuous carpet of green.  It must be resident pride and I think you have to agree…it’s beautiful.

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