The Villages

A Straight Shooter…

Written By: Charlotte - Sep• 30•12

In the past if someone were to refer to someone as a straight shooter, they would be referring to a person that was extremely truthful, a person that would tell you exactly how things were or should be.  A straight shooters’ words could sometime be hurtful but  I don’t believe that that was their intent, rather their intent was to help you.  John Wayne, in my book, would be considered a straight shooter.  I think Straight Shooters are patriotic and loyal to their country.   And on that note let me tell you about the Straight Shooters in The Villages.   I’m sure they all tell the truth,  are patriotic and loyal to their country, but our Shooters add one more attribute to their personal resumes.  They like to shoot guns.    The Straight Shooters’ Club  consists of approximately 80 members, who as one member says, are interesting, very knowledgeable and competent men.   They meet monthly to plan future outings, which consists of visits to local shooting ranges.  Some members are interested in black powder shooting, using older rifles to hit targets.  Others are interested in taking part in International Defensive Pistol Association competition shoots, and others enjoy sport shooting.    Many started out at a young age shooting with BB guns, then on to shotguns and rifles.  I have stopped from time to time to watch them fire their pistols at the range on Rio Grande, behind the mailboxes.  I think they enjoy the camaraderie they share with each other as much as the shooting.  Of course, when it comes to the actual competition I’m sure they forget the friendships for just a few moments.  This club is just one more example of the many hobbies one can get involved in and proves that when coming to The Villages, we are not leaving anything behind, rather we are catching up with things we loved to do.

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