The Villages

Tour de Village…

Written By: Charlotte - Oct• 05•12

I know we have more golfers, more bowlers, more pickleball players, more softball players, more swimmers, more dragon boat racers, more artists, more writers than anywhere else I could imagine living, but the smooth and rhythmic motion of the cyclists really caught my eye. I don’t know if Thursday is a big day for cyclists, or 8:30 am is a good time for them, or the route I was taking was a popular route, but in the course of a 10 minute period I came upon six groups of cyclists, a group to me being more than 10 members.  That’s quite a few considering I was traveling north of Rt.#466 and I am sure there were many more south of Rt.# 466. Of course there was also the solo cyclist which I don’t know whether they were ahead or behind a group, and I also wondered if they were showing off, or weren’t as good if they were part of a group. Maybe they had a faster or slower bike, that’s why they were riding in front or in back. Equipment is the key to every sport isn’t it? We also can’t forget the special clothing that is worn when participating in a sport, and that is what caught my eye. I thought they look so sleek, one with their bikes, no sleeves flabbing or long pants to get tangled in guard less chains, the helmets aerodynamic, and the form fitting clothing with not a wrinkle were colorful blues and reds, yellows and greens.  I’m wondering if their clothing only comes in one size as I have to say that all of them were as sleek looking as their bikes.  They have to be some of the fittest athletes in The Villages, and I’m sure many of them participate in other sports.  It was a beautiful sight to see one group after another cycling along.  With the exception of vineyards the Tour de France has nothing on the Tour de Villages.

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