The Villages

Resident Academy…

Written By: Charlotte - Oct• 07•12

Last spring I read where the District would be offering a program to the residents, appropriately called Resident Academy, where they can learn about the local government and to alleviate any confusion or answer any questions regarding the responsibilities and functions of the Community Development Districts. It was billed as an in-depth look at the various District Departments and how they work together to make this the best community to live, work and play in. I called immediately to get my name on the list and received a call last week that I am scheduled for the classes this Monday and Tuesday, and that I could pick up my binder last Friday at Customer Service.  I picked my binder up and as always impressed with the way things are done in The Villages, scanned the agenda and I think I am going to know anything and everything about the Districts.  If I don’t  it is certainly not for lack of effort on the part of the Villages Districts.  I feel I am fairly familiar with bonds and bond maintenance as I had to be able to explain it to prospective buyers as a Marketing Representative with The Properties of The Villages.  I also attended the Community Development District Orientation which also explained a lot but still have a few questions,  that I’m sure will be answered at Resident Academy.  You may be asking yourself why I feel it necessary to know all this information.  The future of The Villages is basically in the hands of the residents of each District and I want to make sure I understand what our responsibilities as a resident are.  Everything has been put in place by the Developer but as we go forward it will be up to us to make sure it is maintained properly.  I think.  You see, that is why I am going.

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